"Growing Together" Conference
8:30 AM - 3:00 pm | Friday October 25, 2024
8:30 AM - 3:00 pm | Friday October 25, 2024
8:30-8:45 am (15 min)
Introductions, Welcoming Address, Territory Acknowledgement, Zoom Protocols
8:45-10:00 am (75 min) Session A:
Option A1) "Dealing with Stress in the workplace for TTOCs" Part 1 of 3 - Goes with Sessions B1 & C1
Option A2) "Work-Life Wellness"
Option A3) FRENCH "Exploring Varying Perspectives Through Positive Conversation (Gr. 1 - 12)”
Option A4) “High yield, low prep activities for mathematical thinking in K-7”
10:00-10:15 am (15 min) Wellness break: Grab a coffee, use the bathroom, stretch
10:15-11:30 am (75 min) Session B
Annual General Meeting (BCECTA activity report & elections, prizes)
11:30-12:30 pm (1 hr) Lunch Break: Eat and go for a walk!
12:30-1:45 pm (75 min) Session C
Option C1) "Dealing with Stress in the workplace for TTOCs" Part 2 of 3 - Goes with Sessions A1 & D1
Option C2) Supporting Students With Complex Trauma Through Trauma Informed Care - (Part 1 of 2) Goes with Session D2
Option C3) FRENCH “Demystifying AI: Exploring its Place in the Classroom (K - 12)”
Option C4) Artificial Intelligence in professional practice
1:45 - 2:00 pm (15 min) Wellness break: Grab a coffee, use the bathroom, stretch
2:30-3:00 pm (60 minutes) Session D
Option D1) Dealing with Stress in the workplace for TTOCs Part3 of 3 Goes with Sessions A1 & C1
Option D2) Supporting Students With Complex Trauma Through Trauma Informed Care (Part 2 of 2) Goes with Session C2
Option D3) FRENCH Utilisation de Quizizz pour la francisation et l'engagement des élèves
Option D4) "Thinking Classrooms & Instructional Routines"
Introductions, Welcoming Address, Territory Acknowledgement, Zoom Protocols
8:45-10:00 am (75 min) Session A:
Option A1) "Dealing with Stress in the workplace for TTOCs" Part 1 of 3 - Goes with Sessions B1 & C1
Option A2) "Work-Life Wellness"
Option A3) FRENCH "Exploring Varying Perspectives Through Positive Conversation (Gr. 1 - 12)”
Option A4) “High yield, low prep activities for mathematical thinking in K-7”
10:00-10:15 am (15 min) Wellness break: Grab a coffee, use the bathroom, stretch
10:15-11:30 am (75 min) Session B
Annual General Meeting (BCECTA activity report & elections, prizes)
11:30-12:30 pm (1 hr) Lunch Break: Eat and go for a walk!
12:30-1:45 pm (75 min) Session C
Option C1) "Dealing with Stress in the workplace for TTOCs" Part 2 of 3 - Goes with Sessions A1 & D1
Option C2) Supporting Students With Complex Trauma Through Trauma Informed Care - (Part 1 of 2) Goes with Session D2
Option C3) FRENCH “Demystifying AI: Exploring its Place in the Classroom (K - 12)”
Option C4) Artificial Intelligence in professional practice
1:45 - 2:00 pm (15 min) Wellness break: Grab a coffee, use the bathroom, stretch
2:30-3:00 pm (60 minutes) Session D
Option D1) Dealing with Stress in the workplace for TTOCs Part3 of 3 Goes with Sessions A1 & C1
Option D2) Supporting Students With Complex Trauma Through Trauma Informed Care (Part 2 of 2) Goes with Session C2
Option D3) FRENCH Utilisation de Quizizz pour la francisation et l'engagement des élèves
Option D4) "Thinking Classrooms & Instructional Routines"
Session Descriptions and Facilitator Biographies below
Choice A1) "Dealing with Stress in the workplace for TTOCs" Part 1 of 3 - BCTF Workshop: Professional and Social Issues - Marcus Goes with Sessions B1 & C1
Session Description: TTOCs are a particularly vulnerable sector of the teaching profession. This workshop examines ways to cope with stress and the unpredictability of life as a TTOC. We will look at the emotional and physical reactions to stress, how to identify specific sources of stress, ways of problem solving as well as general ways of relieving stress. This workshop has been adapted for online facilitation.
Learn about BCTF’s many workshops here: https://www.bctf.ca/topics/services-information/training-and-education Interested in becoming a BCTF Workshop facilitator? Training is provided, travel costs, meals & TTOC coverage are paid for by the union. Check your BCTF news emails for ‘Opportunities for members’ in the spring. Applications typically open in April or May. Facilitator Biography: Marcus is a BC Teacher who facilitates BCTF Professional and Social Issues workshops on behalf of the union. These workshops are collaboratively designed by teams of teachers from across the province, and revised regularly in order to stay relevant to today’s teaching paradigms. |
Choice A2) "Work-Life Wellness"
Participate in this highly valuable discussion on work/life balance and wellness as a new teacher. The BC Early Career Teachers Association (BCECTA) is offering this workshop based on the needs of new teachers. In this workshop, you will: 1- Identify the areas of your life that are your priorities and those needing your attention. 2-Discuss your concerns and learn practical strategies (ie. productivity tips, managing resources, support network, ...) to support you in your journey through teacher wellness. 3- Learn about communities of practice and how BCECTA supports early career teachers.
Facilitator Biography: Nicole Jarvis is a co-founding member, now president, of the BC Early-Career Teachers’ Association (est. 2015). She teaches Social Studies, Economic Theory, and French Immersion at Ecole Salish Secondary in Surrey. She also built and runs a school garden that grows flowers and food. Nicole is passionate about supporting new teachers so they can survive AND thrive in their early years. Follow the work of the association on Instagram at @BCECTA or follow Nicole in her teaching at @mme.jarvis |
Choice A3) FRENCH "Exploring Varying Perspectives Through Positive Conversation (Gr. 1 - 12)”
Explorer des points de vue divergents grâce à la discussion constructive: En tant qu’enseignantes et enseignants, comment pouvons-nous modéliser la pensée critique lorsque nous présentons à nos élèves de nouveaux sujets ou de nouvelles perspectives? La pensée critique est une compétence globale clé dans les cadres éducatifs et est nécessaire à la réussite scolaire et personnelle. Par le biais d’une série d’activités et de discussions, joignez-vous à nous pour découvrir des moyens d’être attentif ou attentive à vos propres émotions et attitudes lorsque vous discutez de sujets STIM controversés dans votre classe
Session description: FRENCH WORKSHOP As educators, how can we model critical thinking when introducing our students to new topics or perspectives? Critical Thinking is a key global competency in educational frameworks and necessary for both academic and personal success. Through a series of activities and discussions, join us to discover ways to be mindful of your own emotions and attitudes when discussing controversial STEM topics in your classroom. NOTE: This session will be conducted entirely in French. Stephanie Dodier has over ten years of experience teaching secondary science (IB & MYP) in Francophone schools, has a master degree in education (curriculum and development) and also works in higher education as a teacher educator. Her research mainly focused on teacher candidates embracing new approaches of teaching and the competency-driven curriculum in BC. She is a vice president of the BC Early Career Teachers’ Association, works as a sessional instructor in the PDP program at SFU. Stephanie consults with the national Let’s Talk Science foundation (Parlons Sciences) and facilitates their workshops for teachers across Canada. Stephanie promotes hands-on, experiential, inquiry-based approaches and supports green initiatives. Her knowledge in the field of neuroscience, the science of learning, and best implementation practices for meaningful change is a considerable asset. Stephanie is passionate about science education, but she is even more passionate about helping other educators improve their practice and become the best version of themselves.Most importantly, she hopes that her passion for education transpires in the way she raises her two daughters. |
A4) “High yield, low prep activities for mathematical thinking in K-7” - Janice Novakowski (pre-recorded)
During this pre-recorded session relevant to K-7 teachers, Janice will share several instructional routines in mathematics that can be used across the elementary grades to develop mathematical discourse, community and mathematics content and competencies. Develop your repertoire of high yield, low prep routines that can be used all year long to engage elementary students in mathematical thinking. Examples of some of the routines shared are: Number Talk Images, Counting Collections, Visual Patterns, Splat! and Clothesline.
(Note: Janice is presenting live at the BCMTA conference in Whistler on the same day, so this session is pre-recorded) Janice is a district K-12 teacher consultant in Richmond, BC, Canada where she supports the professional learning of teachers in the areas of mathematics and numeracy. She is also an adjunct professor at the University of British Columbia where she teaches elementary math methodology courses. Her graduate studies focused on problem-solving and inquiry with young children. As a former preschool, kindergarten and primary teacher and mother to two sons, early mathematics has always been an area of interest. In her district role, Janice enjoys hosting a "Math Play Space" in schools and at community events to invite families to engage playfully with materials and ideas. She is a significant BC Educational leader when it comes to the Reggio-Emilio approaches to elementary education, particularly pertaining to math. See other content (and many math games!) from Janice at the links below: Twitter: twitter.com/jnovakowski38 Instagram: instagram.com/jnovakowski Youtube Channel: www.youtube.com/@janicenovakowski7578 Personal website: https://janicenovkam.typepad.com/reggioinspired_mathematic/ |
Session B: Annual General Meeting
Click to access related documents PENDING - WED OCT 16 - will update tonight!
Session C
Choice C1) "Dealing with Stress in the workplace for TTOCs" Part 2 of 3 - BCTF Workshop: Professional and Social Issues - Marcus Goes with Sessions A1 & D1 - See description above
Choice C2) Supporting Students With Complex Trauma Through Trauma Informed Care - Yogita Rai (Part 1 of 2) Two-part workshop: Goes with Session D2
Choice C2) Supporting Students With Complex Trauma Through Trauma Informed Care - Yogita Rai (Part 1 of 2) Two-part workshop: Goes with Session D2
This session will cover topics such as understanding Acute vs. Complex Trauma, ACEs, Domains of Complex Trauma, Attachment Styles, Fear Responses (Information processing & PTSD effects in the brain), Signs of Emotional Dysregulation, Dissociation and trauma, Trauma 'trifecta', Cognition, Self-Esteem, 7 Domains, Principles of Trauma-Informed Care (TIC), ARC Framework, Professional Stress / Burnout / Compassion Fatigue / Secondary Trauma / Distress Fatigue. I am hoping this information could be helpful for new teachers and can ignite some inspiration for educators to be their authentic and empathetic selves while supporting some of the most vulnerable students. I have a keen interest in attachment theory, family systems, and trauma which is what drove my research in the topic of Supporting Students With Complex Trauma Through Trauma Informed Care.
Yogita Rai is a teacher and a school counsellor in the Surrey School District and a Registered Clinical Counsellor with BCACC. She is passionate about mental health and loves working with youth to support them through all domains of life such as academic, social, and emotional. |
Choice C3) FRENCH “Demystifying AI: Exploring its Place in the Classroom (K - 12)” Stephanie Dodier
Démystifier l'IA : Explorer sa place dans la salle de classe: Cette séance explore les principes de base que les systèmes d'intelligence artificielle (IA) utilisent pour la prise de décisions. Vous vous concentrerez sur la façon dont l'IA peut améliorer l'apprentissage des mathématiques chez les élèves. Vous apprendrez également les techniques de résolution de problèmes utilisées dans l'IA, qui peuvent améliorer les compétences en résolution de problèmes de vos élèves. En reconnaissant la présence et l'impact de l'IA dans notre vie quotidienne, vous pouvez inclure l'enseignement de cette réalité dans le programme scolaire et ainsi préparer les élèves à devenir des citoyens et citoyennes numériques responsables.
This French session explores the basic principles that artificial intelligence (AI) systems use to make decisions. You will focus on how AI can improve math learning for students. You will also learn problem-solving techniques used in AI, which can enhance the problem-solving skills for your students. By realizing how AI is present in our daily lives and its impact, you can include AI education in the curriculum and prepare students to be responsible digital citizens. Stephanie Dodier has over ten years of experience teaching secondary science (IB & MYP) in Francophone schools, has a master degree in education (curriculum and development) and also works in higher education as a teacher educator. Her research mainly focused on teacher candidates embracing new approaches of teaching and the competency-driven curriculum in BC. She is a vice president of the BC Early Career Teachers’ Association, works as a sessional instructor in the PDP program at SFU. Stephanie consults with the national Let’s Talk Science foundation (Parlons Sciences) and facilitates their workshops for teachers across Canada. Stephanie promotes hands-on, experiential, inquiry-based approaches and supports green initiatives. Her knowledge in the field of neuroscience, the science of learning, and best implementation practices for meaningful change is a considerable asset. Stephanie is passionate about science education, but she is even more passionate about helping other educators improve their practice and become the best version of themselves.Most importantly, she hopes that her passion for education transpires in the way she raises her two daughters. |
Choice C4) Artificial Intelligence in professional practice - Sam Klein-Laufer
AI has become increasingly present and pervasive. Teachers are noticing students are increasingly using AI models such as Snapchat AI or ChatGPT. We need to equip our colleagues with skills to confidently manage student use of AI but we can also benefit as a profession from learning how to ethically and efficiently leverage AI tools for our own well-being. Teachers benefit from collective learning around how to guide student use of AI, effectively turning these models into a tool for critical thinking and competency development, rather than banning or avoiding them outright. Many teachers may also be looking for ways to increase their efficiency and reduce prep time: AI models provide a unique tool to assist educators towards that end.
Participants who attend this workshop will… - understand some modern AI models and their capabilities and limitations - develop some skills for equipping students to responsibly and ethically use AI in class - learn how to use AI themselves in a few ethical and pedagogically sound ways in order to increase efficiency and reduce workload. Sam Klein-Laufer is a teacher of Social Studies, English as a learned language, and Learner Support.. He is an active member of BC Social Studies Teachers’ Association, BC Learning Assistance Teacher Association and the BC Early Career Teachers’ Association. Sam has been a tour guide and anthropological researcher at the Museum of Anthropology. Currently he teaches full time in Surrey and works with Rugby Canada and BC Rugby as a certified Match Official where he has worked with athletes from high school to Olympic qualification. Sam has a keen interest in improving the working conditions for teachers (especially for new teachers) and in ensuring that teachers in BC are able to respond to challenges and new developments. This workshop has been co-developed with the BC Early Career Teachers’ Association, a Professional Specialist Association of the BC Teachers’ Federation. BCECTA is the teachers’ association exclusively dedicated to supporting preservice teachers, early career teachers and TTOCs since 2015. Find out more about BCECTA at www.bcecta.com or on Instagram at @BCECTA |
Session D
Choice D1) Dealing with Stress in the workplace for TTOCs Part3 of 3 - BCTF Workshop: Professional and Social Issues - Marcus Three-part workshop: Goes with Sessions A1 & B1 *see session description above for session A1/B1*
Choice D1) Dealing with Stress in the workplace for TTOCs Part3 of 3 - BCTF Workshop: Professional and Social Issues - Marcus Three-part workshop: Goes with Sessions A1 & B1 *see session description above for session A1/B1*
Choice D2) Supporting Students With Complex Trauma Through Trauma Informed Care - Yogita Rai (Part 2 of 2)
Two-part workshop: goes with Session B2 *see session description for Session B2*
Two-part workshop: goes with Session B2 *see session description for Session B2*
Choice D3) FRENCH Utilisation de Quizizz pour la francisation et l'engagement des élèves - Jesse Pesut
Cet atelier pratique s'adresse aux enseignants des écoles publiques souhaitant intégrer l'outil numérique Quizizz dans leur enseignement pour favoriser la francisation et renforcer l'engagement des élèves. À travers des démonstrations interactives et des activités concrètes, les participants apprendront à créer des quiz ludiques et éducatifs adaptés aux niveaux de compétence en langue française de leurs élèves. L'atelier mettra en avant des stratégies pour personnaliser les questions, évaluer les progrès linguistiques, et rendre l'apprentissage plus motivant grâce aux fonctionnalités interactives et aux éléments de jeu de Quizizz. Les enseignants repartiront avec des compétences pratiques pour dynamiser leur classe tout en soutenant les apprenants en francisation.
M. Jesse Pesut est enseignant passionné à l’École Salish Secondary, avec une expertise dans l’enseignement du français et le soutien aux élèves en francisation. Son atelier de développement professionnel se concentre sur l’utilisation d’une plateforme numérique innovante conçue pour aider les élèves à développer leurs compétences en français. Grâce à des outils interactifs et des ressources adaptées, les participants découvriront des stratégies efficaces pour favoriser l’apprentissage des langues et encourager l’engagement des élèves. Rejoignez-lui pour explorer comment intégrer ces technologies dans votre pratique pédagogique et offrir à vos élèves un environnement d’apprentissage dynamique et inclusif. |
Choice D5) "Thinking Classrooms & Instructional Routines" - Kristine Canas
This 60-minute session will focus on strategies that can be implemented to support students’ thinking and communication skills. When we make thinking visible, this allows students to be more aware of their thinking processes, and indicates next step planning and instruction for teachers. Participants will talk away with a digital “First 20 days” kit from Richmond Schools to help you get started, including resources to support learning around literacy in your classrooms.
Kristine Canas (she/her) is a Member-at-Large on the BCECTA Executive Committee. She was a 6/7 French Immersion teacher, and is now a French coordinator in the Richmond School District. She completed her undergraduate and graduate studies in French Language and Literature at the University of Western Ontario. After working abroad in the Ariège region of France, she was inspired by the culture and different educational system. In 2018, she moved to Vancouver to pursue her B.Ed. at UBC. She has since completed the UBC TELP program under the guidance of Judy Halbert and Linda Kaser of ‘Spirals of Inquiry’ and NOIIE fame. Kristine has a genuine thirst for knowledge and continues to share her passion for the French language and culture within her district and at large. Follow her on X @mmkc10 |