Hi! Do YOU have samples and/or supporting resources to contribute? Please email us at bcecta [at] bctf [dot] ca!
The B.C. Reporting Order (2022-2023)
Summary of the new B.C. Reporting Order: (prepared by a teacher - January 2023)
Reporting Order Policy (PDF) A copy of the student reporting policy (75 pages) as of Dec '22.
K-12 Student Reporting Policy: Educator Summary Guide (PDF) much easier to read than the actual policy document!
Unpacking the Proficiency Scale. (PDF) A brief summary (2 pages) to help understand the language within the proficiency scale.
Criteria for Written Reports (PDF)
Summary for Families/Homes (PDF) 2 page summary brochure for families/homes highlighting changes in student reporting. K-12 Student Reporting Policy
K-12 Student Reporting Policy: Educator Summary Guide (PDF) much easier to read than the actual policy document!
Unpacking the Proficiency Scale. (PDF) A brief summary (2 pages) to help understand the language within the proficiency scale.
Criteria for Written Reports (PDF)
Summary for Families/Homes (PDF) 2 page summary brochure for families/homes highlighting changes in student reporting. K-12 Student Reporting Policy
Quality resources:
- Assessment Webinars & handouts "Building Student Success" - Tom Schimmer with the Ministry of Education curriculum.gov.bc.ca/classroom-assessment/webinars
- Shannon Shinkel 'Beyond Report Cards' Facebook Group & blog https://mygrowthmindset.home.blog/
- Communicating Student Learning - Surrey Schools - https://surreyschoolsone.ca/teachers/csl/
- Jennifer Lynn Moroz - The Assessment Syndicate - https://www.jenmo.org/ and on Youtube www.youtube.com/c/JenMoTeachAssess/videos
- The Surrey English Teachers' Association surreyenglishta.wordpress.com/resources/assessment/
- Math - assembled by SD36 Numeracy Helping Teachers https://sites.google.com/view/sd36clnumeracy/
--> assessment specific link https://sites.google.com/view/sd36clnumeracy/teaching/assessment
Examples of Core Competency Assessment
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Core Competency Reflection Template
Made with Google Jamboard <Click here to download the original version, or make a copy to edit and personalize on your own Google Account (please credit back to BCECTA or Nicole and give source credit following the footnote for the graphics.): Nicole uses this at the end of the year with students (they can talk about ANY class, club, extracurricular or home life) |
Reporting with Descriptive Feedback Aligned w/ the Proficiency Scales
Secondary reporting is moving towards:
Strengths: Focuses on what students can do now and what they are working on Next Steps: Explains areas for future growth, as well as strategies to support student growth Engagement: provides personalized feedback on student's learning habits and engagement. - including description of 3-4 curricular competency 'bins' for secondary subjects. For example, English already has 4 main categories for curricular competencies, but for subjects like English or Science maybe you will need to roll some competencies into over-arching assessment categories. - at least two personalized comments about each learner - ELL students need to have descriptors about their English language proficiency - anything about work habits will need to be embedded in the comments because the Work Habits column is gone for the last reporting period. (Work Habits = Midterm only) - "Insufficient evidence" instead of "Incomplete" ![]()
"This semester (STUDENT) found difficulty finding balance with school, life, extracurriculars, etc. In terms of their learning, (STUDENT) gained insight into pregnancy and childbirth options. This semester (STUDENT) gained new friendships through the group projects, and then learned with whom they worked well and did well in their project outcomes. (STUDENT) found Design thinking useful for projects and will use these skills in other classes, especially project-based. This semester (STUDENT)'s proudest service design project was about normalizing post-partum bodies. (STUDENT) went out of their comfort zone and asked potential users for real feedback." - submitted by Lynnette Earle Teacher | Languages Department Head | Assessment Lead | Insta @ms.lynnette.earle Twitter: @ms_lynnette_edu Chilliwack Secondary School |
Hi! Do YOU have samples and/or supporting resources to contribute? Please email us at bcecta [at] bctf [dot] ca!
Let the kids pick their comments! Give them a checklist like this one below:
English Language Arts sample provided by E. Preston, Surrey Teacher & School-based mentoring lead
Posters, anchor charts, reference tools for conferencing with families and/or learners:
Hi! Do YOU have samples to contribute? Please email us at bcecta [at] bctf [dot] ca!
1. "Can you decolonize assessment?" by Carolyn Roberts, Faculty Lecturer and PhD student at SFU. Passionate about Indigenous education and changing the conversations. Proud, strong Coast Salish Warrior. Blog post published Feb 12 2023.
Video: "Reconciliation in your Community" | Carolyn Roberts | TEDxLangleyED
2. "The Love Language of Professional Judgment." Shannon Schinkel. My Growth Mindset Blog. Shannon is a co-founding member of the Assessment Consortium of BC (ACBC). Blog Post published Feb 12, 2023
3. Video Series: "Culturally Responsive Math Assessment" from @UBCEduc / @EdithLandoVLC
Video: "Reconciliation in your Community" | Carolyn Roberts | TEDxLangleyED
2. "The Love Language of Professional Judgment." Shannon Schinkel. My Growth Mindset Blog. Shannon is a co-founding member of the Assessment Consortium of BC (ACBC). Blog Post published Feb 12, 2023
3. Video Series: "Culturally Responsive Math Assessment" from @UBCEduc / @EdithLandoVLC
Grades Conferencing - Sample Frameworks from BC Teachers
Learning Maps, Course Rubrics |
Lower Intermediate
Upper Intermediate
Middle / Junior Secondary
Lower Intermediate
Upper Intermediate
Middle / Junior Secondary
- Social Studies Click here for Example Learning Map 1
- SD33 ADST @ms_lynnette_edu on Twitter: "My most recent were all student generated through learning interviews I did with my students. I paraphrased their words about their learning. "
- SD68 @KellyBarnum68 "I take mine directly from the wording of the curricular competencies."
- Prince George: "I do assessment interviews with my students & take notes as we speak. The notes go home as an attachment to their report card." (Example of a filled-out Notes page pending)
- Social Studies Click here for Example Learning Map 1
Sample Student reflection in report cards and interim reports
Hi! Do YOU have samples to contribute? Please email us at bcecta [at] bctf [dot] ca!