Accessibility: Automatic Closed-Captions in Zoom
4:00 - 5:00 pm (60 mins) Register here https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/get-to-know-your-paycheque-tickets-1238172911509?aff=oddtdtcreator
4:00 - 5:00 pm (60 mins) Register here https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/get-to-know-your-paycheque-tickets-1238172911509?aff=oddtdtcreator
Accessibility: Automatic Closed-Captions in Zoom & ASL Interpretor
4:00 - 5:00 pm (60 mins) Register here https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bcecta-presentsget-to-know-your-paycheque-for-bc-teachers-and-ttocs-tickets-763538643637?aff=oddtdtcreator
4:00 - 5:00 pm (60 mins) Register here https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bcecta-presentsget-to-know-your-paycheque-for-bc-teachers-and-ttocs-tickets-763538643637?aff=oddtdtcreator
BCECTA is working on developing our own set of workshops:
Email bcecta@bctf.ca to book
1. Work-life Balance for Teachers
3. Classroom Management for TTOCs - this is a BCTF workshop but we can host it virtually or in-person. available now!
4. Get to Know Your Paycheque: Financial wellness for New Teachers & TTOCs - in-progress, priority item
Get to know your paycheque, understanding deductions, saving for potential job action, summer savvy-ness for the income-low periods, EI for TTOCs, introduction to investment knowledge, Pensions for those NOT near retirement.
4. Pension for New Teachers and TTOCs - in progress
5. Navigating Queer Identity as a New Teacher - in progress
6. Work Smarter Not Harder: A) Doing what matters and letting go of the rest. - in progress
B) Using AI to ethically reduce your workload - in progress
7. "What do you mean, I have to teach French?" - in progress
8. Core Competencies 8-12 - in progress
9. Navigating Queerness in teaching - in progress
10. Pedagogy examples from (insert requests here) - in progress
Difficult conversations, establishing boundaries, dealing with conflict. BCTF Mediation services. - in progress
And we are open to other ideas, collaboration and requests!
- Facilitated at Coquitlam PD day Friday Feb 24th 2023
- Upcoming at North Island Teachers' Association day May 5th 2023 & Surrey Teachers' Association day May 5th
3. Classroom Management for TTOCs - this is a BCTF workshop but we can host it virtually or in-person. available now!
4. Get to Know Your Paycheque: Financial wellness for New Teachers & TTOCs - in-progress, priority item
Get to know your paycheque, understanding deductions, saving for potential job action, summer savvy-ness for the income-low periods, EI for TTOCs, introduction to investment knowledge, Pensions for those NOT near retirement.
4. Pension for New Teachers and TTOCs - in progress
5. Navigating Queer Identity as a New Teacher - in progress
6. Work Smarter Not Harder: A) Doing what matters and letting go of the rest. - in progress
B) Using AI to ethically reduce your workload - in progress
7. "What do you mean, I have to teach French?" - in progress
8. Core Competencies 8-12 - in progress
9. Navigating Queerness in teaching - in progress
10. Pedagogy examples from (insert requests here) - in progress
- Facilitated at SFU Burnaby March 16th 2023 (Example at this link)
Difficult conversations, establishing boundaries, dealing with conflict. BCTF Mediation services. - in progress
And we are open to other ideas, collaboration and requests!
Specifics in regards to workshops for student teachers:
We are happy to design something tailored specifically for your cohort, module or program.
For example, click here to see what we put together for SFU students in the Imaginative Ed & Indigenous Perspectives cohorts
The BCTF also offers a special set of workshops specifically for student teachers at no cost to the university. For more information, please contact 604.871.1869 or toll free at 1.800.663.9163.
We are happy to design something tailored specifically for your cohort, module or program.
For example, click here to see what we put together for SFU students in the Imaginative Ed & Indigenous Perspectives cohorts
The BCTF also offers a special set of workshops specifically for student teachers at no cost to the university. For more information, please contact 604.871.1869 or toll free at 1.800.663.9163.
BCECTA Stock Workshops
Here are the session descriptions for our BCECTA workshops so far:
1) Work/Life Balance for Early Career Teachers (Helpful for experienced teachers too!)
Participate in this highly valuable discussion on work/life balance as an educator. The BC Early Career Teachers Association (BCECTA) is offering you the opportunity to learn (or further your understanding) about topics such as surrounding yourself with the right people to raise teacher morale, prioritizing, increasing your productivity, managing resources, and communities of practice. We will also have time to explore your concerns since this is going to be an interactive in-person session.
The presentation will cover the following topics:
2) TeachBC and Professional Specialist Associations
The BC Early Career Teachers Association (BCECTA) is only one of 31 provincial specialist associations in the BC Education. Associations such as BCECTA are run by teachers who volunteer to initiate professional development through bookclubs and conferences, provide opportunity to network with other colleagues in your domain, and advocate both within the BC Teachers' Federation and within the Ministry of Education on behalf of specialty area teachers' concerns. Some associations even publish academic journals or podcasts! TeachBC is a database of BC curriculum-aligned resources, lessons and units, but most teachers don't know it exists. Many PSAs have uploaded awesome learning resources onto TeachBC for your use, and members can also individually upload materials worth sharing.
The Federation also has a number of e-books that we will explore. In this session we will show you how to get the most out of membership in one or many provincial specialist associations, provide ideas for how to grow as a professional, show how PSAs can help reduce isolation and ignite passion, profile some of the work being done on members' behalf, and compare to similar organizations in other jurisdictions like Ontario and the USA. We will also have time to explore TeachBC and share out what you find, and we'll show you a secret mechanism that enables teachers get a free PSA membership for one year.
3) This one is Stéphanie Dodier's workshop, she is one of our vice presidents:
Evidence Based Strategies that enhance student learning
We will review the latest research on the science of learning and educational neuroscience. You will learn how to implement these principles to optimize students’ learning. We will reflect on how we can make simple but powerful changes to our teaching strategies, and provide a toolbox with a variety of ready-to-use retrieval practice tools and metacognition activities.
Please bring an electronic device.
Stéphanie Dodier
Stéphanie Dodier is a seasoned francophone secondary science teacher. She is also a sessional instructor at SFU, an education consultant, co-vice-president of BC Early Career Teachers Association (BCECTA), and a teacher leader with Let’s Talk Science. Her mission is to communicate research-based educational practices because she values bridging the gap between academia and practice. Stephanie is passionate about science education, science of learning, experiential learning, and increasing teacher retention.
Learn more about the BC Early-Career Teachers' Association at http://www.bcecta.com
1) Work/Life Balance for Early Career Teachers (Helpful for experienced teachers too!)
Participate in this highly valuable discussion on work/life balance as an educator. The BC Early Career Teachers Association (BCECTA) is offering you the opportunity to learn (or further your understanding) about topics such as surrounding yourself with the right people to raise teacher morale, prioritizing, increasing your productivity, managing resources, and communities of practice. We will also have time to explore your concerns since this is going to be an interactive in-person session.
The presentation will cover the following topics:
- An introduction of the association and its activities
- Identification of the issues and challenges that future & present teachers face
- Barriers, solutions and strategies for wellness
- How associations such as BCECTA can help to address these challenges.
2) TeachBC and Professional Specialist Associations
The BC Early Career Teachers Association (BCECTA) is only one of 31 provincial specialist associations in the BC Education. Associations such as BCECTA are run by teachers who volunteer to initiate professional development through bookclubs and conferences, provide opportunity to network with other colleagues in your domain, and advocate both within the BC Teachers' Federation and within the Ministry of Education on behalf of specialty area teachers' concerns. Some associations even publish academic journals or podcasts! TeachBC is a database of BC curriculum-aligned resources, lessons and units, but most teachers don't know it exists. Many PSAs have uploaded awesome learning resources onto TeachBC for your use, and members can also individually upload materials worth sharing.
The Federation also has a number of e-books that we will explore. In this session we will show you how to get the most out of membership in one or many provincial specialist associations, provide ideas for how to grow as a professional, show how PSAs can help reduce isolation and ignite passion, profile some of the work being done on members' behalf, and compare to similar organizations in other jurisdictions like Ontario and the USA. We will also have time to explore TeachBC and share out what you find, and we'll show you a secret mechanism that enables teachers get a free PSA membership for one year.
3) This one is Stéphanie Dodier's workshop, she is one of our vice presidents:
Evidence Based Strategies that enhance student learning
We will review the latest research on the science of learning and educational neuroscience. You will learn how to implement these principles to optimize students’ learning. We will reflect on how we can make simple but powerful changes to our teaching strategies, and provide a toolbox with a variety of ready-to-use retrieval practice tools and metacognition activities.
Please bring an electronic device.
Stéphanie Dodier
Stéphanie Dodier is a seasoned francophone secondary science teacher. She is also a sessional instructor at SFU, an education consultant, co-vice-president of BC Early Career Teachers Association (BCECTA), and a teacher leader with Let’s Talk Science. Her mission is to communicate research-based educational practices because she values bridging the gap between academia and practice. Stephanie is passionate about science education, science of learning, experiential learning, and increasing teacher retention.
Learn more about the BC Early-Career Teachers' Association at http://www.bcecta.com
BCTF Workshops
Members of the BC Teachers' Federation are able to book workshops free of charge so long as they can ensure the participation of more than 12 members at the event. To book BCTF workshops, click here: https://www.bctf.ca/topics/services-information/training-and-education/workshop-requests
The following are current BCTF workshops we feel would be of value to preservice teachers, new teachers, or TTOCs:
NOTE: If it has a Computer icon 🖥️ it means there is a virtual option as well.
Aboriginal Education Workshops
French Program Workshops
Professional and Social Issue Workshops
School Union Representative Training Workshops
The following are current BCTF workshops we feel would be of value to preservice teachers, new teachers, or TTOCs:
NOTE: If it has a Computer icon 🖥️ it means there is a virtual option as well.
Aboriginal Education Workshops
- Infusing Aboriginal Content (K-9) *for members(KM)
- Project of Heart * for members 🖥️
- Gladys: The Life of a Child in a BC Residential School *for members
- BC Blanket Exercise: Exploring Historical Relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Peoples *for us
- Deconstructing myths *for us 🖥️
French Program Workshops
- Core French, where do I start? *members(KM)
- Justice sociale dans tous les cours**
- Création d’une culture d’inclusion des genres en milieu scolaire **
- La pauvreté: un problème dans la salle de classe
- Incident Reporting *members(KM) 🖥️
- Refusal of Unsafe work *members(KM) 🖥️
- Violence in the workplace *members(KM) 🖥️
- Violence prevention *members(KM) 🖥️
Professional and Social Issue Workshops
- BCTF Code of Ethics: Understanding the Professional Relationship * 🖥️
- Addressing Ableism *either(KM) (Virtual 🖥️)
- Antiracist strategies for educators? *members(KM) (Virtual🖥️)
- Assertive Communication: Positive Interactions *either(KM) (Virtual 🖥️)
- Assessment issues in the Secondary Classroom *members(KM, I also just personally find this useful as my program never taught me this ha) 🖥️
- Classroom Management * (Virtual 🖥️)
- Classroom Management for TTOCs (Virtual 🖥️)
- Contract Awareness for TTOCs
- Dealing with Stress in the Workplace 🖥️
- Employment Insurance: Navigating the EI Claim Process 🖥️
- Reality 101: A Day in the Life of a TTOC
- Survival Skills for Itinerant Teachers 🖥️
- TTOC Life: A Student Teacher Workshop 🖥️
- Work-life Balance for TTOCs
School Union Representative Training Workshops
- Contract Awareness: Know Your New Collective Agreement *members
Upcoming conferences
PSA October 20th, 2023 Conference
We are thrilled to partner with myPita to offer a catered conference for new and early career teachers. Stay tuned for more information about registration. In the meantime, please register to become a member to hear about all the upcoming workshops and events coming up.
PRESENTERS: We are currently accepting workshop proposals. Please fill out the form below.
We are thrilled to partner with myPita to offer a catered conference for new and early career teachers. Stay tuned for more information about registration. In the meantime, please register to become a member to hear about all the upcoming workshops and events coming up.
PRESENTERS: We are currently accepting workshop proposals. Please fill out the form below.